The Indian market is similar to the Australian market in many ways. Vast distances, extreme heat and rugged conditions very quickly sort out the suitability of the quality of undercarriage components.
Dozco spent many years importing and wholesaling undercarriage components from Korean and Chinese manufacturers, but were never satisfied with the results, wear-life or quality.
In 2013, Dozco established a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant with inhouse design centre to solve the quality problem once and for all. With the assistance of high experienced Italian engineers from a famous house brand, Dozco set up machining, heat-treatment, assembly and testing facilities to produce their own product to their own specification.
Today, following a JV with a famous Italian undercarriage manufacturer, the Dozco product is world renowned as a manufacturer of top-end undercarriage products including track chains and SALT chains for dozers.
TKV is proud to represent the Dozco product in Australia and can attest to the impeccable attention to quality resulting in an almost indestructible product.